Being a college student, getting a good internship is a hard task and finally succeeding in getting one is a fulfilling feeling. You can increase your chances of a successful career by getting a pre-placement offer from the company in which you were doing an internship.
It's so great to think that before completing your degree, you have a job-in-hand and you don't have to struggle to get a job after your graduation, but how to ensure that you convert an internship into a full-time job?
Here, we will see some tips to make you get a pre-placement offer from the company, so let's dive in.
Be proactive
Start doing the task as soon as it is assigned to you, it has two benefits-
- The task will be completed on time.
- Employers will get to know that you are genuinely interested in the work.
These both points makes you a better candidate as an employer expects his/her employee to enjoy his/her work and submit the assignment without any delay as it shows that you value your and other person's time.Follow-up
Sometimes even after trying our best, we make certain mistakes in the assignment which your mentor finds out and tells you where you have done the mistake so it becomes your duty to ask him/her 'how to correct the mistake' and 'what is the quality of work that they are expecting from us'. This shows your employer that you genuinely want to learn about the work process of the company and are not there for a mere certificate.
It is important that you keep a friendly and positive relationship with the employees working in the company as it makes you more likable in the company and if your employer notices you, he/she will understand that you are slowly trying to adapt in the company environment which is a plus point for getting a job offer letter.
Ask for work
If you have completed the assigned task, don't sit idle, go to your mentor and ask for some other task and there is a 99% possibility that you will get one because a corporate office has a lot of tasks to be done, so come out and ask for the task from your employer. This shows that you are willing to work and that's exactly what an employer expects from his/her employees.
Submit quality work
When you are assigned a task by your employer, try to maintain the quality of the task, if you couldn't understand a certain term or work process research about it or ask from your mentor because employers expect that their employees can submit quality work which benefits the organization and if you do that in the course of the internship, you will naturally become employable.
Time is everything
Submit the task on time. See, nobody likes delay so try to submit the task beforehand or on the time. This shows the employer that you are serious about the internship and the work assigned to you which is can increase your chances of getting a permanent role.
Keep growing
There will be times when you will think of giving-up or would not be able to deliver the required result but the only driving force that will work for you is working hard and understanding that why aren't you able to get the result, ask your manager about the shortcomings in your work and where you need to improve, work on that and grow. Your employer will notice this and understand your dedication to your work.
Ask Questions
Asking questions shows that you are engaged in the work and want to know more about it. Your curiosity and willingness to learn can impress the employer and can make you get a job offer letter. So, don't shy away, go out ask questions, learn, and grow. Your success is in your hands.
In brief, do your best in your internship, if the employer likes your work he/she will definitely ask you to work as a full-time employee.
Keep learning, keep believing.
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