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What to write in 'why should we hire you' section?

'Why should we hire you?'

Now, this section is the first question asked by the employer when you fill the application form of the internship. This question is asked to check whether you will be the perfect fit for the internship or not, it is a very tricky question and acts as the 'first impression' of you in front of the employer.
You have to prove yourself worthy and employable in front of the employer and here we will discuss what should one write so that the employer finds him/her worthy of the internship.

Points to remember before writing an answer

Before writing an answer, imagine yourself at the place of the employer and think what would you look in the candidate before hiring them, make a list of the skills that you have and frame your answers accordingly, keep the following points in your mind before answering the questions:-
  • Answers shouldn't be too long or too short (approx 300-700 words).
  • It should contain relevant data on your skills and experience that are required for the internship.
  • Never use short forms or emojis in the answer, it may sound unprofessional.
  • Keep a track of your grammatical errors by using Grammarly or Microsoft tools.
  • Never copy-paste answers from Google or any other source as the employer can identify them and it may lead to rejection of your application.
Here are some samples available for you from which you can get an idea about how to frame your answers.

General answer

This is a great move if you are first time applying for internships without any prior experience, through this answer you can explain the employer about why you want the particular internship and how will it help you to learn more. Here is a sample answer, 

"I am a student/fresher who always had a curiosity to learn more, by doing an internship at your prestigious organization I will be able to learn more skills required to be successful in the corporate world. I am a proactive and hardworking individual who completes his/her tasks within the prescribed time with least to no error. I can assure you that I will leave no stone unturned to make the organization achieve its goals. Looking forward to working with you."

You can write a general answer to many types of internship application but if you have prior experience in a particular domain then do mention it and avoid writing a general answer as sometimes employer gets the idea that your answer it general and not according to the internship for which you have applied which may lead to rejection of your application.

Answer for Human resource internship

If you are applying for an internship in the HR field, you need to tell about some experience related to it (if you have any), here is a sample,

"I possess the right skills required for this internship, I was the part of the placement cell of my college where I learned about the basics of the functions of the HR department. Your internship can provide me the opportunity to brush up the skills I have in this domain and also I will be able to learn new skills by working in your organization which will make me a better HR manager in the future. In turn, I can assure you that I will work hard for the betterment of the organization. Hoping for a positive response."

In case you do not have any experience in this domain but have an interest in learning about this, you can write the general answer but in a way that shows the employer that you are passionate about the domain and will give your 100 percent in learning the skills and applying it for the betterment of the organization.

Answer for Not-for-profit organization internship

Being a part of an NGO is always been a good choice because with an NGO you complete your responsibility towards the society by working for its welfare and your volunteering work also adds a few points in your resume which shows that you are responsible towards the society and it is counted in the corporate social responsibility (CSR), here is a sample to apply for an NGO internship,

"I am a student who understands his/her responsibility towards society. Through your internship program, I can get an opportunity to fulfill my responsibility towards society and work for its betterment. I willingly want to be a part of this internship as it is done for a noble cause and I can assure you that I will give my best in this internship so that I can contribute in creating better living conditions for the underprivileged individuals of the society."

These could be the type of answers one can write in his/her application. Just create your amazing answers and you will surely get an interview call.

 Your will to do a particular internship should be visible in your answers so that the employer can know that you have a passion for a particular field and you will give your best in it. This builds an employer's trust in you which is very important in any field of work.



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